Sunday 5 January 2014

Double Page Spread Article: Draft 1


Last year, EMILY PROUT was just another indie singer-songwriter dreaming of being noticed. Now she wants to up her game and hit no.1 in the charts. She’s won the hearts of many with her exquisite looks and her bewildered song writing. She will be supporting the band “London Grammar” next year on their tour as well as performing gigs in London this month. It’s time for change. It’s time for EMILY PROUT. Will Emily reach her dream?

She photographs like a model, which is to say the camera accentuates her bright blue eyes and her rosy lips. Surely that would gather the eyes of fans? But no, what you will find is a 19 year old with a uniquely powerful voice who churns out new songs as if she was in a songwriting race.

We had an interview with Emily and took the opportunity to ask questions about her trying to reach the top of the charts. 

So Emily, where did you get your inspirations?
“Justin Vernon.” She smiles to me. “He’s in the band ‘Bon Iver’ and he writes their songs and sings them too. He inspires me to write songs based on how I feel, and his songs are beautiful. My mum loves him too, I guess it’s genetic.” Emily laughs.

What is striving you to reach no1?
She swallowed, as if she were about to cry. However, she eventually got the courage to say “For my mum. I don’t have a father figure in my life. My mum loves listening to me sing and I love it when she’s happy. I want to reach number 1 so my mum can be proud of me”. At this point, the crowd feels sympathy and goes “awww”.  She describes her mum being very ill, and her mum’s dream was for Emily to reach no 1 so she wouldn’t feel like Emily was alone if she were to pass away. Emily says her mum told her that she’d have her fans and they would give her the courage to be happy and reach her dreams.

Are you looking forward to performing with London Grammar next year?
Emily wipes her tears and beams with happiness again.  “Yes definitely, they are good friends of mine, especially Hannah Reid. Her voice is amazing, as well as the rest of band being talented. I feel so privileged for them to ask me to support their tour. I’m sooo excited!”

Some say that you’re up against London Grammar? Are you in competition?
“Of course not,” she shakes her head. “We’re all great friends. Plus, they have so much more experience and are more likely to reach number 1 anyway. If anything, I’d support London Grammar all the way and help them too.” Emily goes on to tell us that there is definitely no competition between them and that the media portrays different artists negatively. As she believes they mix up words and spread rumours, which creates arguments and scenes: and this is what they want.

Being only 19 years old, and having over 1,000,000 hits on YouTube, Emily is determined to be no1 and inspire others to write songs. She thanks everyone for supporting her because she wouldn’t be able do it without you. 

Pull quotes:
·      “It’s time for EMILY PROUT”

·      “I want to reach number 1 so my mum can be proud of me”

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