Monday 9 December 2013

Target Audience - Secondary Research


The members share an inquisitiveness for everything that is indie. Indie means being individual and independent. There are many types of indie, such as rock, folk, pop etc. Young Alts experiment with art, music and fashion. Most Young Alts, get suck into a lot of media and they have their own taste of music. Their favourite bands consist of vans, urban outfitters, and NME. They enjoy listening to music that may be popular, but are seen to be not as well-known. The music type that they listen to can be older songs, as well as new ones. 

I have decided to create a questionnaire: questions that will help me have a bigger knowledge on what my target audience enjoys and what they do etc. 

  1. How old are you?
  2. Where are you from? 
  3. How often do you listen to music?
  4. Name 3 of your favourite bands.
  5. Do you go to any gigs or festivals? If so, name them and how often you attend them.
  6. If you listen to the radio, what radio station is your favourite? 
  7. What are your favourite shops?
  8. What does your typical weekend consist of?
  9. What is your favourite social networking site, and why? 

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