Friday 6 December 2013

Planning My Magazine Title

It is a play on words (pun) which creates a rhetorical/humorous effect. This is because puns are regarded as idiomatic expression as their usage applies to the target audience of an indie magazine. The word “indie” actually means independent. “Indie-vidual” sounds like individual, which is a synonym for independent. Since my target audience is mainly for younger adults and teens; puns are used in the punch lines of jokes and they enhance the humorous effect, which younger adults and teens are more likely to be attracted by: the humour.
“Indie-pendent” is also a pun and it is actually another word for indie, although indie music is shortened via independent. It creates humour which is what my target audience would enjoy to read.
It is defined as the fashion for indie which is “bold-stated” and gives a “bitter” twist to the types of clothes that people who listen to “indie music” wear. Acidic is also powerful and creates an image of unique individuals.
Since Lonesome means on their own, it is similar to individual and independent. Lonesome relates to the relaxing techno with soft voices and touching lyrics.
When you see the word “Neon” you get the image of bright and fluorescent colours which represents “Indie” music being different. Indie means new, which brings in the idea of my music magazine being up to date and modern, but consisting of indie music and the elements. The actual element, Neon, is very rare which means it can get rather expensive. This contrasts to the indie music magazine being expensive and distinctive, compared with other magazines.
Discrete means separate, which also brings the idea of being alone and different, compared to others. Being individual represents indie music, which will draw the attention of the audience to the magazine, and make them want to read it because it is exclusive.

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